What does it mean to optimize for clicks by manually bidding for clicks?

Neil has a great deal of experience and data behind his ad campaigns already, so it makes sense that he would manually set his bids for clicks. Simply put, he knows what he wants to pay and what he can do to drive price per click down.

(Also, since he has run several ads, he has seasoned pixels and existing audiences that he can base his targeting off of to be more effective–and this allows him to manually set bids with better knowledge of what will work and what will not.)

This isn't something we'd advise if you do not yet have good data and experience with ads.

Facebook is pretty good at automatically bidding for lower clicks, when you're first getting started. In fact, I would say that when you first start you're better off doing a daily cap (like $20 or $50 per day, for 30 days), than you are setting a per-price click. This will help Facebook drive click price down lower, so you get better results and want to continue buying ads from them.

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