How do we actually start profiting with our funnel?

After some time, the profit of your funnel will outweigh the cost of lead generation. It's a snowball effect. But to start off, the cost of initial lead generation can be high.

Nurture those first leads, and they'll far outweigh the cost to acquire them. Remember this course is made for first-time funnel creators. But profit maximizes are an excellent way to boost your profits either way...

The first run of your sales funnel is like one giant experiment to dial in what works and what does not. What ads work, where to advertise, the most effective messaging, what people find valuable, etc. Once you know that, you can easily drive cost down with science like precision, and know how much money you can make. 

Generally speaking, though, most major sales funnels are trying to super qualify a select few power buyers. These aren't just people who buy everything you have (they will) but also the ones who want the best you have to offer--the premium and most expensive stuff.

We use Ramit Sethi as an example because he literally works to qualify people with constant high-grade free content. If you actually use his content and get results, you're much more likely to buy his bigger offerings. And basically, everything he sells starts around $2,000 (though on average it's $5,000). As a result, he makes a ton of money, but with a smaller, super qualified, and enthusiastic group of buyers.

It does so many things--less management is needed, more time can be spent with these people for better results, and he can drive prices up as high as he wants because of that sense of exclusivity.

Your sales funnel is an ongoing process of nurturing and qualifying customers higher and higher for bigger offers, by giving them great value through the entire process. The more data you have, the better you can dial in for profitability and client satisfaction.

Unfortunately, there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution to marketing and sales. Every market, every brand, and every offering is going to require different things. So what we're teaching you are the theory and tools to create a system that you can test and dial down as precisely as possible, for the results you want.

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