What is the best practice for double opt-ins?

NEIL: Don't use double opt-in. You will lose too many people from it. Instead, scrub your list in which all of the people that don't open up your last 5 or 6 emails AND have been on your list for at least 3 months shouldn't receive any more emails. This way your open rates stay high.

Another Take: If you insist on using double opt-in, here is a process you can model off of–

  1. User fills out opt-in form 2. User redirected to custom Thank-You page specific for that lead magnet. On this
  2. User is redirected to a custom Thank-You page specific for that lead magnet. On this page, the user is instructed to check their email and click on the link in the email to confirm their email address. 
  3. When the user clicks on the link in email - they immediately get access to the offer (e.g. PDF)

You'll want to make it clear that you don't spam on the thank you page and let them know exactly what type of communication they'll receive. It's super annoying when you start receiving tons of emails after you sign up for something so you shouldn't do it to other people.

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