I'm writing a book and want to sell 30,000+ copies in the next year. How can I get initial sales and reviews on Amazon?

NEIL: I'm going through the same process right now as I am launching a book soon... sadly the main way is press and ads. If you don't do that you have to work out deals with people where they promote your book and you pay them a percentage of sales.

What I am going to do is create an ebook and sell that for 50 bucks. Then I'll recruit affiliates and give them 50% commission (will do this manually or through Clickbank). The remaining 50% that I keep, I will use it to buy the affiliates a book and mail it to them. This should help with moving volume.


Another Take: 

A great article on self-publishing on Amazon in 23 steps

Feedback Genius is a tool worth looking at. Amz Tracker also has a review angle you could use. You'll also want to optimize your listing for Amazon

Outside of these tools, you can look at breaking the book down and building traffic via your website. Digital marketer did something like this.

If you're so inclined, you may also use the Super URL from Amz Tracker and build up traffic via PPC ads to the book for sales at the start.

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