Does using an appointment setter in your funnel help generate better results?

NEIL: I've used them in the past, and it hasn't worked well. Mainly because we outsourced it and the quality wasn't as good as it should have been. But in general most of our leads are inbound so through emails and follow up sequences we now get people to setup calls, which works better.

We've also found that asking more questions ahead of time makes the person more qualified and more likely to show up to the call versus just asking a few questions.


Another Take:

There are a lot of factors to consider with these types of services–

  1. Who is doing the actual calling?  (You'll want to know their age, is English their 2nd/3rd/4th language, do they have an accent, etc.) 
  2. Where are the callers located?
  3. How is the appointment setting company getting the data?
  4. What's their pitch? Who's providing the pitch?
  5. What constitutes a successful lead/appointment?
  6. Is the lead/appointment exclusive?
  7. What is the cost per lead?

You'll quickly find that a lot of these services are scammy. And it makes sense - they have to pay the people that make calls, which is usually commission based compensation, so the people on the phone push hard. What they consider a lead is not what you would consider a lead.

On the other hand, you have online lead generation services where they collect the basic customer info and sell it to companies. These can be pricey and sometimes decent.

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