What do you think of content distribution networks?

It may be worth your time if the content network is posting on targeted, high volume, and high-quality sites. 

For instance, having something on the main New York Times site is high volume and high quality. As for targeting, you'd also want to make sure that if it appeared there, that it made sense. 

But if it's going to junk sites... You may get high volume, but it won't be high quality, and probably not very well targeted either. (Of course, this is assuming that junk sites won't fit your criteria.) 

Outbrain has a good reputation for high click through rate and lower on-page bounce rate. So it's probably a good choice for you. You could always do CPA promotions to draw traffic to your site or landing pages. We reference a place called Offer Vault, which is where you can browse the many CPA offers and networks that people are using. 

Basically, CPA means "cost per acquisition", and essentially it's a system of promotion in which you offer promotion partners a specific amount of money in return for them doing something for you. You can set the terms for what that something is. Sometimes that will be to get opt-ins. Other times it's for downloads. Some people just do it for traffic (people landing) on your site. 

Usually, you apply to join a network, and they take care of finding/managing high-quality promoters on your behalf. 

However, if you're a local business, I don't know that CPA would be the best option for you. 

You may find social advertising, Facebook namely, is the better and more cost effective route to go.


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