In our Core Story... Should we share our personal stories and opinions on topics important to us as individuals, or just those close to the clients we're serving?

NEIL: There are many ways you can do it... Your core story isn't just about you and why you are doing what you are doing, but it is about helping others as well. Ideally, you should tie in both. Make sure the story hits hard, emotionally.

VIGNESH: I agree with Neil here, a mix of both is the way to go.

The truth is… Stories are the oldest form of communication around. In fact, they pre-date the written word.

Prior to our ability to write, we passed history down through the ages by telling stories. And we remember stories in the form of our own personal memories.

Ideally, the story you want your prospects to remember about you should accomplish the following objective: “How the co-founder found the solution that can deliver the prospect's known desire or favorable end-result"

And you want to communicate this in your marketing wherever it’s appropriate. (Ex… sales letters, sales funnels, email sequences, webinars and the like.)

With that said, some everyday examples can be found in most TV commercials.

In the 30 seconds allotted to them, they show/tell you a story about how the "product" delivers a "desired result" in an entertaining manner.

Another Take: To add to what Neil is saying... You have to realize that people are looking for a leader. Your advice and opinions should always be shared with the focused intent (and belief) that you are helping other people. Because that's what your business does: helps someone do or achieve or have X. 

You decided to build your business because you wanted to help people in some way. Why did you make that decision?

As for non-related opinions and/or beliefs that you might want to share with people... It's always good to ask yourself, "Does this add an element of connection between me and my audience?" 

Does it add to a belief in your business? For example, if you're known to be a big hustler–you work night and day very hard... Does it make sense to share your absolute obsession and love for coffee? Sure does. It's a personal momento– a level of detail that helps paint a clear picture of who you are, that makes them feel connected to you... And it supports this idea of someone who works really hard, all the time. People drink coffee for focus and energy, right? And it's something that's universally loved... So it makes a commonality between you two. 

Now... is it necessary to do all this? No. But it does make your world a little more vivid, a little more inviting. 

As long as it revolves around your main story and all these little beliefs that you've set up within your brand–and it doesn't take away from those things–then it's great to add these little details.

Your blogs would be just as valuable, if not a little more valuable, if you added a little bit of story here and there. Story is like the glue that holds the world together

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