I've just started my business. In the first module you ask for target market insights, and my current revenue (in The Business Intelligence). For someone just starting out in business, how do I gather or provide this data?

When it comes to The Business Intelligence document, we want you to just try to fill it out to the best of your ability.  Including if you don't yet know your annual revenue.  This is meant as a snapshot and brainstorming tool.  You should look back on this in a year, and see how much you've grown!

As for your Target Market Insights and Data document, it is very much the same.  This is a "living" document that you should add to as you progress through the program.  By Module 6 or 7 you will have been given several exercises to help you find and gather data about your target market.  

And as you get deeper and deeper into making your business great, you'll find that you will always add to your Target Market Insights, for the life of your business.  At least if you care enough about your prospects and clients, to give them your attention and time!  This will help you keep being relevant to your intended markets, and therefore give your marketing and sales better performance. 

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