What I should do if there isn't any information from direct competitors when I use Alexa, Compete, Spyfu, etc.?

Most of the competitive data tools available, are going to aggregate the data on your competitors based on traffic, impressions, etc.  So if your competitors don't get pretty high traffic, they probably won't have much data aggregated on these tools. 

However, you don't necessarily have to find a lot of competitors to get ideas for what to do. Take the competitors you have found so far, and dissect some of the marketing tactics they are using, then decide what suits your business best.

Another thing you can do is look for larger [your niche] sites in the space, like [authority site]. Although they aren't competitors, even if you do 1/100th of what they do you will beat out everyone who is a "real competitor".

Remember that there are direct competitors–which are brands who are in your immediate market space–and indirect competitors–which are the large industry-dominating brands in your market space.  Your indirect competitors are the best to model off of, because they have spent thousands of dollars on their traffic and conversion systems.  

The data on industry dominating sites and ads are typically statistically significant.  This means that they have had 10,000 or more points of data. What they are doing for success is far more scientifically strategic, than anything a smaller direct competitor could be doing.  You want to model brands that have it dialed in, so you can skip some of the growing pains that they had to go through to get there!

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